Source: Ithaca Chronicle, May 6, 1840

Ithaca & Owego Rail Road
New Arrangement - Fare Reduced
Samuel Arnold, Agent for the Lessee

A New and Commodious Passenger Car, on and after the 20th inst., will leave Owego every morning at 1-2 past 2, and arrive at Ithaca at 6 o'clock, in time for the New Steamboat on Cayuga Lake, which runs in connection with the Rail Road train, leaving Auburn at 2 p.m. Passage secured from Owego to Auburn in time for the train.

The same Car will leave Ithaca every afternoon at 1-2 past 5 p.m. and reach Owego at 9 o'clock. Passengers arriving at Auburn by the 11 o'clock morning train, from the east, and taking the Steamboat on Cayuga Lake may, by this line, reach Owego at 9 p.m.

Passage from Ithaca to Newburgh, reduced to $6 - through in 48 hours.

In addition to the above, a commodious Passenger Car will leave Ithac at 6 o'clock every morning, (Sundays excepted,) with the Transportation train - D.C. Hatch, Agent. This train will arrive at Owego at 11 o'clock, and leave there at 12, reaching Ithaca at 5 p.m. The train will stop, both going and returning, at Howe's turnout, Whitcomb's, Wiltsey's mills, Booth's cross-roads, Candor corner, Chidsey's and Sacket's mills, and at Jones' cross roads to take in and discharge loading and passengers, and to receive such cars as may be in readiness to join the train.

General Railroad & Steamboat office, in the south wing of the Clinton House, Ithaca.

Rail road office at Manning's Hotel, Owego.


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Editor: D G Rossiter

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